Research profile: google scholar, researcherID, ORCID (0000-0001-6426-3051).
B. A. Ko, K. Berry, Z. Qin, A. V. Sokolov, J. Hu, M. O. Scully, J. Bao, and Z. Zhang, “Resonant degenerate four-wave mixing at the defect energy levels of 2D organic−inorganic hybrid perovskite crystals,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 57075-–57083 (2021). (impact factor: 9.229). |
F. Lin, A. N. Quraishy, R. Li, G. Yang, M. Mohebinia, T. Tong, Y. Qiu, T. Vishal, J. Zhao, W. Zhang, H. Zhong, H. Zhang, C. Zhou, X. Tong, P. Yu, J. Hu, S. Dong, D. Liu, Z. Wang, J. R. Schaibley, J. Bao, “Molding, patterning and driving liquids with light,” Mater. Today 51, 48–55, (2021). Highlighted paper (impact factor: 31.04). |
F. Lin, A. N. Quraishy, T. Tong, R. Li, G. Yang, M. Mohebinia, Y. Qiu, T. Vishal, J. Zhao, W. Zhang, H. Zhong, H. Zhang, Z. Chen, C. Zhou, X. Tong, P. Yu, J. Hu, S. Dong, D. Liu, Z. Wang, J. R. Schaibley, J. Bao, “Marangoni convection-driven laser fountains on free surfaces of liquids,” Mater. Today Phys. 21, 100558, (2021). (impact factor: 9.298). |
S. Yue, G.A. Gamage, M. Mohebinia, D. Mayerich, V. Talari, Y. Deng, F. Tian,S.-Y. Dai, H. Sun, V.G. Hadjiev, W. Zhang, G. Feng, J. Hu, D. Liu, Z. Wang, Z. Ren, and J. Bao, “Photoluminescence mapping and time-domain thermo-photoluminescence for rapid imaging and measurement of thermal conductivity of boron arsenide,” Mater. Today Phys. 13, 100194, (2020). (impact factor: 10.443). |
Z. He, Z. Han, J. Yuan, A. M. Sinyukov, H. Eleuch, C. Niu, Z. Zhang, J. Lou, J. Hu, D. V. Voronine, M. O. Scully, “Quantum plasmonic control of trions in a picocavity with monolayer WS2,” Sci. Adv. 5, eaau8763 (2019). (impact factor: 12.804). |
Z. He, Z. Han, M. Kizer, R. J. Linhardt, X. Wang, A. M. Sinyukov, J. Wang, V. Deckert, A. V. Sokolov, J. Hu, and M. O. Scully, “Tip-enhanced Raman imaging of single-stranded DNA with single base resolution,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 753–757 (2019). (impact factor: 14.357) |
F. Lin, G. Yang, C. Niu, Y. Wang, Z. Zhu, H. Luo, C. Dai, Y. Hu, J. Hu, X. Zhou, Z. Liu, Z. M. Wang, and J. Bao, , “Planar Alignment of Graphene Sheets by a Rotating Magnetic Field for Full Exploitation of Graphene as a 2D Material,” Adv. Funct. Mater 28, 1805255 (2018). (impact factor: 13.325) |
C. Wei, R. J. Weiblen, C. R. Menyuk, and J. Hu, “Negative curvature fibers,” Adv. Opt. Photon. 9, 504–561 (2017). (impact factor: 21.286) |
F. Lin, Z. Zhu, X. Zhou, W. Qiu, C. Niu, J. Hu, Y. Wang, Z. Zhao, D. Litvinov, Z. Liu, Z. M. Wang, and J. Bao, “Orientation control of graphene flakes by magnetic field: broad device applications of macroscopically aligned graphene,” Adv. Mater. 29, 1604453 (2017). (impact factor: 21.950)
[Journal cover/Frontispiece: Adv. Mater. 1/2017] |
W. Li, F. Ding, J. Hu, and S. Y. Chou, “Three-dimensional cavity nanoantenna coupled plasmonic nanodots for ultrahigh and uniform surface-enhanced Raman scattering over large area,” Opt. Express 18, 3925–3936 (2011)
[Media coverage: ScienceDaily Mar. 22, 2011, Light Matters #104 Mar. 23, 2011] |
J. Hu, C. R. Menyuk, L. B. Shaw, J. S. Sanghera, and I. D. Aggarwal, “Maximizing the bandwidth of supercontinuum generation in As2Se3 chalcogenide fibers,” Opt. Express 18, 6722–6739 (2010). [Figure appeared in the issue cover page] |
J. Hu, and C. R. Menyuk, “Understanding leaky modes: slab waveguide revisited,” Adv. Opt. Photon. 1, 58–106 (2009). [Top three downloads in three consecutive months after publication in OSA] [Software package: UndStdLeakyMode] (impact factor: 21.286) |
60) W. Zhang, R. Gattass, L. B. Shaw, C. R. Menyuk, and J. Hu, “Maximizing the FWM conversion efficiency in a PCF with a randomly varying pitch,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 41, 2408–2413 (2024). |
59) C. Tu, Z. Hu, J. Hu, C. R. Menyuk, T. F. Carruthers, L. B. Shaw, L. E. Busse, and J. S. Sanghera, “Optimized two-layer random motheye structures for SiO2 windows,” Opt. Continuum 3, 1722–1731 (2024). |
58) W. Zhang, R. A. Lane, C. R. Menyuk, and J. Hu, “Modeling heat mitigation in hollow-core gas fiber lasers with gas flow,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 30, 1–8 (2024). (Invited). |
57) Z. Jiang, B. Ko, K. R. Berry, X. Xing, Z. Yi, A. V. Sokolov, J. Hu, J. Bao, and Z. Zhang, “Synergistic effect of laser, water vapor, and electron-beam on the degradation of quasi-two-dimensional Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite flakes,” ACS Omega 9, 35744–35756 (2024). |
56) J. T. Young, C. R. Menyuk, and J. Hu, “SBS suppression using PRBS phase modulation with different orders,” Opt. Express 31, 18497–18508 (2023). |
55) W. Lu, H. Zhu, B. Birmingham, N. Craft, J. Hu, K. Park, and Z. Zhang, “Phase transition of individual anatase TiO2 microcrystals with large percentage of (001) facets: a Raman mapping and SEM study,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 3199–3210 (2023). |
54) J. T. Young, A. J. Goers, D. M. Brown, M. L. Dennis, K. Lehr, C. Wei, C. R. Menyuk, and J. Hu, “Tradeoff between the Brillouin and transverse mode instabilities in Yb-doped fiber amplifiers,” Opt. Express 30, 40691–40703 (2022) |
53) B. Ortaç, D. Jain, R. Jha, J. Hu, and B. Ung, “Specialty optical fiber modeling, fabrication, and characterization: introduction,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 39, SOF1-SOF2 (2022). |
52) B. A. Ko, K. Berry, Z. Qin, A. V. Sokolov, J. Hu, M. O. Scully, J. Bao, and Z. Zhang, “Resonant degenerate four-wave mixing at the defect energy levels of 2D organic−inorganic hybrid perovskite crystals,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 57075–57083 (2021).(impact factor: 9.229). |
51) F. Han, C. Wei, J. Hu, J. Shi, and X. Feng, “Highly coherent visible supercontinuum generation in a micrometer-core borosilicate glass photonic crystal fiber,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, F145–F151 (2021). |
50) J. T. Young, C. Wei, C. R. Menyuk, and J. Hu, “Mode coupling at avoided crossings in slab waveguides with comparison to optical fibers: tutorial,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, F104–F114 (2021). |
49) F. Lin, A. N. Quraishy, R. Li, G. Yang, M. Mohebinia, T. Tong, Y. Qiu, T. Vishal, J. Zhao, W. Zhang, H. Zhong, H. Zhang, C. Zhou, X. Tong, P. Yu, J. Hu, S. Dong, D. Liu, Z. Wang, J. R. Schaibley, J. Bao, “Molding, patterning and driving liquids with light,” Mater. Today 51, 48–55, (2021). Highlighted paper (impact factor: 31.04). |
48) F. Lin, A. N. Quraishy, T. Tong, R. Li, G. Yang, M. Mohebinia, Y. Qiu, T. Vishal, J. Zhao, W. Zhang, H. Zhong, H. Zhang, Z. Chen, C. Zhou, X. Tong, P. Yu, J. Hu, S. Dong, D. Liu, Z. Wang, J. R. Schaibley, J. Bao, “Marangoni convection-driven laser fountains on free surfaces of liquids,” Mater. Today Phys. 21, 100558, (2021).(impact factor: 9.298). |
47) C. Tu, J. Hu, C. R. Menyuk, T. F. Carruthers, L. B. Shaw, L. E. Busse, and J. S. Sanghera, “Optimized two-layer motheye structures for MgAl2O4 spinel ceramic windows,” OSA Continuum 4, 2143–2153 (2021). |
46) C. R. Menyuk, J. T. Young, J. Hu, A. J. Goers, D. M. Brown, and M. L. Dennis, “Accurate and efficient modeling of the transverse mode instability in high energy laser amplifiers,” Opt. Express, 29, 17746–17757 (2021). |
45) Z. He, W. Qiu, M. E. Kizer, J. Wang, W. Chen, A. V. Sokolov, X. Wang, J. Hu, and M. O. Scully, “Resolving the Sequence of RNA Strands by Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,” ACS Photonics, 8, 424–430 (2021).
[Journal cover: ACS Photonics, February 17, 2021] |
44) Q. Zhang, Y. Qiu, F. Lin, C. Niu, X. Zhou, Z. Liu, M.K. Alam, S. Dai, W. Zhang, J. Hu, Z. Wang, and J. Bao, “Photoacoustic identification of laser-induced microbubbles as light scattering centers for optical limiting in a liquid suspension of graphene nanosheets,” Nanoscale 12, 7109–7115, (2020). |
43) S. Yue, G.A. Gamage, M. Mohebinia, D. Mayerich, V. Talari, Y. Deng, F. Tian,S.-Y. Dai, H. Sun, V.G. Hadjiev, W. Zhang, G. Feng, J. Hu, D. Liu, Z. Wang, Z. Ren, and J. Bao, “Photoluminescence mapping and time-domain thermo-photoluminescence for rapid imaging and measurement of thermal conductivity of boron arsenide,” Mater. Today Phys. 13, 100194, (2020). |
42) F. Lin, C. Niu, J. Hu, Z. Wang and J. Bao, “Graphene Diamagnetism: Levitation, transport, rotation, and orientation alignment of graphene flakes in a magnetic field,” IEEE Nanotechnol. Mag. 14, 14–22, (2020). |
41) Md K. Alam, C. Niu, Y. Wang, W. Wang, Y. Li, C. Dai, T. Tong, X. Shan, E. Charlson, S. Pei, X.-T. Kong, Y. Hu, A. Belyanin, G. Stein, Z. Liu, J. Hu, Z. Wang, and J. Bao, “Large graphene-induced shift of surface-plasmon resonances of gold films: Effective-medium theory for atomically thin materials,” Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013008, (2020). |
40) Z. He, Z. Han, J. Yuan, A. M. Sinyukov, H. Eleuch, C. Niu, Z. Zhang, J. Lou, J. Hu, D. V. Voronine, M. O. Scully, “Quantum plasmonic control of trions in a picocavity with monolayer WS2,” Sci. Adv. 5, eaau8763 (2019). (impact factor: 12.804). |
39) B. Birmingham, J. Yuan, M. Filez, D. Fu, J. Hu, J. Lou, M. O. Scully, B. M. Weckhuysen, and Z. Zhang, “Probing the effect of chemical dopant phase on photoluminescence of monolayer MoS2 using in situ Raman microspectroscopy,” J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 15738–15743 (2019). |
38) C. Wei, J. T. Young, C. R. Menyuk, and J. Hu, “Temperature sensor based on liquid-filled negative curvature optical fibers,” OSA Continuum 2, 2123–2130 (2019). |
37) J. O. White, J. T. Young, C. Wei, J. Hu, and C. R. Menyuk, “Seeding fiber amplifiers with piecewise parabolic phase modulation for high SBS thresholds and compact spectra,” Opt. Express 27, 2962–2974 (2019). |
36) Z. He, Z. Han, M. Kizer, R. J. Linhardt, X. Wang, A. M. Sinyukov, J. Wang, V. Deckert, A. V. Sokolov, J. Hu, and M. O. Scully, “Tip-enhanced Raman imaging of single-stranded DNA with single base resolution,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 753–757 (2019). (impact factor: 14.357) |
35) B. Birmingham, J. Yuan, M. Filez, D. Fu, J. Hu, J. Lou, M. O. Scully, B. M. Weckhuysen, and Z. Zhang, “Spatially-resolved photoluminescence of monolayer MoS2 under controlled environment for ambient optoelectronic applications,” ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 1, 6226–6235 (2018). |
34) C. Wei, C. R. Menyuk, and J. Hu, “Geometry of chalcogenide negative curvature fibers for CO2 laser transmission,” Fibers 6, 74 (2018). |
33) F. Lin, G. Yang, C. Niu, Y. Wang, Z. Zhu, H. Luo, C. Dai, Y. Hu, J. Hu, X. Zhou, Z. Liu, Z. M. Wang, and J. Bao, , “Planar Alignment of Graphene Sheets by a Rotating Magnetic Field for Full Exploitation of Graphene as a 2D Material,” Adv. Funct. Mater 28, 1805255 (2018). (impact factor: 13.325) |
32) C. Wei, C. R. Menyuk, and J. Hu, “Polarization-filtering and polarization-maintaining low-loss negative curvature fibers,” Opt. Express 26, 9528–9540 (2018).
[Media coverage: Advances in Engineering, Dec. 24, 2018 ] |
31) C. Niu, F. Lin, Z. M. Wang, J. Bao, and J. Hu, “Graphene levitation and orientation control using a magnetic field,” J. Appl. Phys. 123, 044302 (2018). (Editor’s Pick) |
30) C. Wei, R. J. Weiblen, C. R. Menyuk, and J. Hu, “Negative curvature fibers,” Adv. Opt. Photon. 9, 504–561 (2017). (impact factor: 21.286) |
29) J. Bao, F. Lin, and J. Hu, “Graphene Alignment Technique Holds Promise for Nanophotonics,” Photonics Spectra, 51 (2), 38–40 (2017). |
28) F. Lin, Z. Zhu, X. Zhou, W. Qiu, C. Niu, J. Hu, Y. Wang, Z. Zhao, D. Litvinov, Z. Liu, Z. M. Wang, and J. Bao, “Orientation control of graphene flakes by magnetic field: broad device applications of macroscopically aligned graphene,” Adv. Mater. 29, 1604453 (2017). (impact factor: 21.950)
[Journal cover/Frontispiece: Adv. Mater. 1/2017] |
27) C. Wei, J. Hu, and C. R. Menyuk, “Comparison of loss in silica and chalcogenide negative curvature fibers as the wavelength varies,” Front. Phys. 4, 30 (2016). |
26) Z. Zhu, J. Yuan, H. Zhou, J. Hu, J. Zhang, C. Wei, F. Yu, S. Chen, Y. Lan, Y. Yang, Y. Wang, C. Niu, Z. Ren, J. Lou, Z. Wang, and J. Bao, “Excitonic resonant emission-absorption of surface plasmon in transition metal dichalcogenides for chip-level electronic-photonic integrated circuits,” ACS Photonics, 3, 869–874 (2016).
[Media coverage: Laser Focus World Aug. 10, 2016] |
25) C. Wei, C. R. Menyuk, and J. Hu, “Impact of cladding tubes in chalcogenide negative curvature fibers,” IEEE Photon. J. 8, 2200509 (2016). |
24) C. Wei, C. R. Menyuk, and J. Hu, “Bending-induced mode non-degeneracy and coupling in chalcogenide negative curvature fibers,” Opt. Express 24, 12228–12239 (2016). |
23) J. Hu, C. R. Menyuk, C. Wei, L. B. Shaw, J. S. Sanghera, and I. D. Aggarwal, “Highly efficient cascaded amplification using Pr3+-doped mid-infrared chalcogenide fiber amplifiers,” Opt. Lett. 40, 3687–3690 (2015). |
22) C. Wei, R. A. Kuis, F. Chenard, C. R. Menyuk, and J. Hu, “Higher-order mode suppression in chalcogenide negative curvature fibers,” Opt. Express 23, 15824–15832 (2015). |
21) C. Niu, T. Huang, X. Zhang, H. Liu, W, Zhang, J. Hu, “Impact of a dielectric layer on the resonant conditions of nanograting structures,” Plasmonics 10, 419–427 (2015). |
20) J. J. Butler, A. S. Bowcock, S. R. Sueoka, S. R. Montgomery, S. R. Flom, E. J. Friebele, B. M. Wright, J. R. Peele, R. G.S. Pong, J. S. Shirk, J. Hu, C. R. Menyuk, and T. F. Taunay, “Optical properties of solid-core photonic crystal fibers filled with nonlinear absorbers,” Opt. Express 32, 20707–20712 (2013). |
19) J. Hu, Y.-P. Huang, and P. Kumar “Self-stabilized Quantum Optical Fredkin Gate,” Opt. Lett. 38, 522–524 (2013). |
18) J. Hu, C. R. Menyuk, L. B. Shaw, J. S. Sanghera, and I. D. Aggarwal, “A mid-IR source with increased bandwidth using tapered As2S3 chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers,” Opt. Commun. 293, 116–118(2013). |
17) W. Zhang, F. Ding, W.-D. Li, Y. Wang, J. Hu and S. Y Chou, “Giant and uniform fluorescence enhancement over large areas using plasmonic nanodots in 3D resonant cavity nanoantenna by nanoimprinting,” Nanotechnology 23, 225301, (2012). |
16) J. Hu, and C. Gmachl, “QCL-based sensors target health and environmental applications,” Laser Focus World, 48, 38–43 (2012). |
15) J. Hu, and C. Gmachl, “Quantum cascade lasers enhance mid-IR spectroscopy,” Photonics Spectra, 45, 48–50, (2011). |
14) W. Li, J. Hu, and S. Y. Chou, “Extraordinary light transmission through opaque thin metal film with subwavelength holes blocked by metal disks,” Opt. Express 19, 21098–21108 (2011). |
13) W. Li, F. Ding, J. Hu, and S. Y. Chou, “Three-dimensional cavity nanoantenna coupled plasmonic nanodots for ultrahigh and uniform surface-enhanced Raman scattering over large area,” Opt. Express 18, 3925–3936 (2011)
[Media coverage: ScienceDaily Mar. 22, 2011, Light Matters #104 Mar. 23, 2011] |
12) R. J. Weiblen, A. Docherty, J. Hu, and C. R. Menyuk, “Calculation of the expected bandwidth for a mid-infrared supercontinuum source based on As2S3 chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers,” Opt. Express 18, 26666–26674 (2010) (invited). |
11) J. Hu, C. R. Menyuk, L. B. Shaw, J. S. Sanghera, and I. D. Aggarwal, “Computational study of a 3–5 um source that is created by using supercontinuum generation in As2S3 chalcogenide fibers with a pump at 2 um,” Opt. Lett. 35, 2907–2909 (2010). |
10) J. Hu, C. R. Menyuk, L. B. Shaw, J. S. Sanghera, and I. D. Aggarwal, “Maximizing the bandwidth of supercontinuum generation in As2Se3 chalcogenide fibers,” Opt. Express 18, 6722–6739 (2010). [Figure appeared in the issue cover page] |
9) J. Hu, and C. R. Menyuk, “Understanding leaky modes: slab waveguide revisited,” Adv. Opt. Photon. 1, 58–106 (2009). [Top three downloads in three consecutive months after publication in OSA] [Software package: UndStdLeakyMode] |
8) J. Hu and C. R. Menyuk, “Optimization of the operational bandwidth in air-core photonic bandgap filbers for IR transmission,” Opt. Commun. 282, 18–21 (2009). |
7) J. Hu and C. R. Menyuk, “Leakage loss and bandgap analysis in air-core photonic bandgap fiber for nonsilica glasses,” Opt. Express 15, 339–349 (2007). |
6) P. Griggio, J. Hu, J. Wen, G. E. Tudury, J. Zweck, B. S. Marks, L. Yan, G. M. Carter, and C. R. Menyuk, “Characterizing pattern dependence in transmitters and receivers for modeling optical communication systems,” Opt. Commun. 272-1, 107–110 (2007). |
5) J. Hu, B. S. Marks, C. R. Menyuk, J. Kim, T. F. Carruthers, B. M. Wright, T. F. Taunay, and E. J. Friebele, “Pulse compression using a tapered microstructure optical fiber,” Opt. Express 14, 4026–4036 (2006). |
4) J. Kim, U-C. Paek, B. H. Lee, J. Hu, B. Marks, and C. R. Menyuk, “Impact of interstitial air holes on a wide-bandwidth rejection filter made from a photonic crystal fiber,” Opt. Lett. 31, 1196–1198 (2006). |
3) G. E. Tudury, J. Hu, B. S. Marks, A. S. Lenihan, C. R. Menyuk, and G. M. Carter, “Gain characteristics of a 210-km hybrid Raman/EDFA amplified fiber loop,” Opt. Commun. 261(1), pp. 152–157 (2006). |
2) J. Hu, B. S. Marks, Q. Zhang, and C. R. Menyuk, “Modeling Backward-Pumped Raman Amplifiers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 22, 2083–2090 (2005). |
1) J. Hu, B. S. Marks, and C. R. Menyuk, “Flat-gain fiber Raman amplifiers using equally spaced pumps,” J. Lightwave Technol. 22, 1519–1522 (2004). |